
Showing posts from May, 2021

How I Create Character Graphics

 For today's post, I'm going to go through the process I use when creating character graphics (and other graphics, though the process was developed originally for character graphics).  I make no claims as to how good or ideal the process is for doing this sort of thing, but I find it works for me and produces results that I am generally happy with.  There are no doubt some places where it could be optimized a bit if I were to invest in some better tools, but for now it works well enough. I usually, though don't always, start with doing some quick character sketches in my sketch book.  Usually something like:   I tend to draw six characters in a batch because the next step is to draw the characters onto a sheet of graph paper which has room for six characters, like so: Sometimes I skip the sketch book stage and go straight to sketching on graph paper.  Either way, I sketch each character facing each of the four directions as shown above.  I use graph paper because it lets me